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Management Coaching

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Management coaching involves supporting managers in the performance of their duties through personalised meetings. Through these sessions, customers acquire key skills and develop the behaviours they need to excel in their management role.

The coaching services offered by Mallette cover various essential aspects such as the main principles of organisational management, management training, performance assessment, human resources management and much more.

Benefits for the customer

  • Creation of a tailor-made coaching plan aimed at acquiring and developing crucial management skills

  • Building self-confidence and leadership skills

  • Improving the motivation and commitment of work teams

  • Solving day-to-day problems and managing risks

  • Reducing the stress associated with managerial responsibilities

  • Optimising company profitability

Mallette's coaching approaches stand out for their proximity and adaptability to the specific needs of individuals and organisations, as well as for the quality of the psychometric tools available. In addition, Mallette is accredited by Emploi Québec under Bill 90, reflecting its commitment to professional development.

What we offer

  • A personalised approach based on targeted exchanges and tools tailored to the company's needs

  • Coaching programmes covering various aspects of organisational management, leadership, performance assessment and business development

  • A proven methodology based on individual follow-up and attentive listening to ensure optimal professional development

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