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Value-for-Money Auditing (VFM)

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Contact us

Value-for-money auditing (VFM), also known as performance auditing or process auditing, involves objectively and independently assessing the effective, economical, efficient and sustainable use of human, material, financial and information resources for an activity, process or project.

VFM is a governance tool that promotes the achievement of set objectives, improves the allocation and use of resources, reduces waste, improves the quality of service delivery and administrative management, and minimises the environmental and social impact of the organisation to maximise results.

With our experienced team and an approach that complies with CPA Canada and the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, VFM enables us to highlight good practice and identify areas for improvement.

Our work focuses on the aspects with the greatest added value, i.e. the most significant risks for the organisation and the areas with the greatest potential for gains. We adapt the reporting style to the needs of the users. Our realistic and useful recommendations are inspired by our experience and good practice.

What we offer

  • Performance auditing mandates

  • Performing VFM audits on an outsourced basis

  • Lending staff to an internal audit team or an auditor general

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